Crop yield predictions need accurate up-to-date meteorological data. The OEMC project will produce 1km daily climate element (max., min., mean temperature, sea level pressure, total precipitation) maps. This data set will provide Agriculture Insurance actors a concrete base for more accurate underwriting and premium calculation, such as calculation of weather risk probability and potential crop risks related with the prevailing and weather conditions.
What is the challenge?
The data related to extreme events are mostly only available locally and not at the European or global level. The availability of this kind of data, possible high quality and easy to access would be good for the agro insurance sector.
Our solution
Providing high resolution (1 km) daily maps of maximum, minimum, and mean temperature, sea level pressure, and total precipitation.
Who will benefit?
Agricultural insurance companies.
Target Partner Organizations
OEMC Leading Partner
Get in touch!
Type of output
High resolution (1 km) daily maps of maximum, minimum, and mean temperature, sea level pressure, and total precipitation.
Technology readiness level
TRL7: System prototype demonstration in operational environment.
Links of interest
- MeteoEurope1km: a high-resolution daily gridded meteorological dataset for Europe for the 1991–2020 period
- Spatio-temporal interpolation of daily temperatures for global land areas at 1 km resolution
- Random Forest Spatial Interpolation
- A high-resolution daily gridded meteorological dataset for Serbia made by Random Forest Spatial Interpolation
- Aleksandar Sekulić: MeteoEurope1km - a high-resolution daily gridded meteorological dataset