Open-Earth-Monitor Cyberinfrastructure

Increasing European capability to produce timely, accurate, and people-centered information based on Earth observations


Open-Earth-Monitor project

We are building an Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning open-source computing engine that supports the FAIR principles, to accelerate the uptake of open environmental information and build resilient user communities.  

In this introduction video, Carson Ross, Project Manager, introduces the project by breaking the name down into its parts:

  • Open, in support of open-science initiatives for the co-development of reproducible products;
  • Earth-Monitor, the tools being created to track and monitor various environmental indicators; and
  • Cyberinfrastructure, which is an ecosystem of actors creating and using data tools in support of the sustainable environmental policy.

Funded by the Horizon-Europe program of the European Commission, a consortium of 23 partners led by the OpenGeoHub foundation will provide operational solutions and decision-making tools for European and global initiatives, to directly support the objectives of the European Green Deal, the EU Climate Adaptation Strategy, the European Data Strategy and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Testing with use cases

OEMC monitoring platforms and their tools will be co-designed with users and tested with real-world applications, ensuring their relevance to help solve issues at any scale — be it regional, national, or global. Check out the full list of Use Cases on the dedicated webpage.

List of associated Use Cases

Working with stakeholders

The gaps and needs of stakeholders will be central to the design process of all OEMC tools. A stakeholder committee has been established and consulted via workshops and surveys.

EU agencies
and programmes

Serving usable environmental information that will help achieve EU sustainability goals and circular economy.

Research organizations
and international cooperation

Monitoring trends to tackle the challenges posed by climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation.

Service providers

Integrating and supporting European open digital infrastructure to promote data uptake and business development.

User communities

Empowering both experts and stakeholders to enact real-world change with environmental data.

Bottom-up data governance

Field data and satellite-based EO in the hands of the people who take decisions: OEMC builds upon existing open-source software and platforms to develop seamless environmental monitoring app solutions.

Building the cyberinfrastructure

We are building a future-proof data suite by harmonizing field samples, EO technologies and existing data portals. User-friendly monitoring tools based on gaps & needs will enable a diversity of users to search and use environmental information in the office and in the field.


High-perf computing

A state-of-the-art scalable system will analyze and serve both EO and in-situ data providing accurate environmental information.


User-friendly monitors

Innovative visualizations and dashboards allow a global community to turn data into knowledge -all F.A.I.R. compliant.


Ecological accounting

Financial assessment tools will directly quantify ecosystem services (consistent with the SEEA), facilitating sustainable change.


Community Building

OEMC will bring stakeholders together in resilient and effective user communities, empowering them to to tackle global challenges.

Project consortium





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