Decision-makers, European research networks, business developers and NGOs are invited to be the protagonists of the Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2023 from 4th to 8th September in Bolzano (Italy) to test and improve open-source environmental monitors and dive into “Open Earth Observation and Machine Learning technology to support European Green Deal.”
Wageningen, 11 January 2023 — Earth Observations and geospatial data – and their derived information – are key tools in monitoring regional, national and global environmental targets proposed by the ambitious European green policies. Decision-makers are therefore in need of accessible, science-based tools for timely and informed choices, long-term planning and progress tracking, and transparent evaluation processes.
But how to lower the barriers of big data and ensure their full usage? How to shape monitoring tools that meet the needs of practitioners and provide decision-ready answers?
One year after its start, the Horizon-Europe Open-Earth-Monitor project is organizing the OEMC flag-ship event to unfold the latest open data solutions and environmental monitors harnessing Earth Observations and Machine Learning technologies.
Organized by the OpenGeoHub foundation in collaboration with Eurac Research, this international workshop will bring together European and global actors in policy and industry with open-source geospatial developers and OEMC researchers. Dedicated demonstrations and testing sessions will facilitate the dialogue between developers and users, improving the functionalities of the tools and empowering user communities with intuitive and usable open-source data applications.

Call for workshop proposals | Deadline: 1st February 2023
If you have developed (or are in the process of developing) a free and open source project and product related to EO and other related geospatial technologies that could support decision-making and the achievement of the EU Green Deal, or are part of a similar project, we invite you to participate by sending your proposal for a workshop. This will be an occasion to prepare a 60-minute workshop where to present, discuss and gather feedback directly from potential users of your products, making tools and data more accessible and usable.
Call for abstracts | Deadline: 1st March 2023
While the focus of the workshops is open source software and methods in support of European policies and decision-making, we wish to provide a stage to a broader variety of knowledge and experiences, where new methods, tools and approaches are shared and novel collaborations are established. Some of the expected topics will be the research and application of geospatial technologies in various fields including governance, industries and in the public sector. We will focus also on the role of user communities and businesses in research and advancements in the open-source EO and Machine Learning technologies to achieve both digital and green transitions.

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Contact information:

OpenGeoHub foundation
Contact: media-office@opengeohub.org
OpenGeoHub is a not-for-profit research foundation located in Wageningen, Netherlands. The main goal of OpenGeoHub is to promote, publish and sharing of Open Geographical and Geoscientific Data, using and developing Open Source Software.OpenGeoHub is the lead partner of the Open-Earth-Monitor project and participates in several technical work packages, as well as in the communication and organization of workshops and capacity-building events.

Eurac Research
Contact: communication@eurac.edu
Eurac Research is a private research centre, established in 1992 in Bolzano. Our research activity is rooted in local issues which are then developed on a global level, thanks to a multidisciplinary approach and an international vision. Studies focus on issues that affect people, their health and the environment around them, with the aim of improving life in the societies of the future. Often, in response to regional problems, the centre develops concrete solutions that can be applied in different contexts, exploring new avenues based on interdisciplinarity and scientific excellence. Today, Eurac Research has more than 500 employees from over 25 countries.