Who is behind the science? After each event organized by the Open-Earth-Monitor project, we ask researchers to share their stories and opinions about their work and potential implications.
Global Workshop 2024
Organized by OpenGeoHub foundation in collaboration with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the 3rd edition of the Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop brought together over 100 experts in geospatial data to showcase advanced Earth Observation tools designed to support the development and implementation of European climate policies. See the webpage for more detail.
Sarah Carter is research associate at WRI’s Global Forest Watch. In this interview, Sarah highlights the importance of the Open-Earth-Monitor project, and discusses its outreach and potential by drawing comparisons with the World Resource Institute’s Global Pasture Watch platform.
Mark Dowell is Senior Scientific Officer and Project Leader for Scientific and Technical Support to the Copernicus Programme at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. In this interview, Mark discusses the impact of the Open-Earth-Monitor project on European climate policies, comparing key collaborations between Copernicus and international initiatives aimed at improving the usability and impact of EO data in policy-making.
Inge Jonckheere is Head of Green Solutions Division at the European Space Agency (ESA), ESRIN (Rome). The Interview focuses on open data, open science and open platforms, exploring how the Open-Earth-Monitor project is contributing to the goal of having more FAIR and openly accessible data in the field of Earth Observation.
Paola De Salvo works as an Information Technology Officer coordinating GEOSS Platform (GEOSS Common Infrastructure) Operations Group at the Earth Observations (GEO) Secretariat. In this interview, Paola explores the Open-Earth-Monitor project’s contribution on reaching the GEO objectives, further discussing the project’s innovative work on implementing Open EO Knowledge.
Daniel Loos is a Data scientist, bioinformatician and full stack engineer at the Max-Planck-Institut for Biogeochemie. In this interview, Daniel discusses the Open-Earth-Monitor project and its potential in developing a unified global index system, also considering other projects, like the Discrete Global Grid Systems, in exploring today’s contribution to spatial statistics and global geospatial monitoring.
Global Workshop 2023
Organized by OpenGeoHub foundation in collaboration with Eurac Research, the Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2023 will bring together European and global actors in the field of open-source Earth Observation applications in policy, business, research and for society. See the webpage for more detail.
Julia Wagemann (PhD) is an independent consultant in the Earth Observation domain who works across strategy, user engagement, and training of Big Earth Data and cloud-based services. She initiated and co-founded the professional network Women+ in Geospatial to make the geospatial community more diverse and equal. During the Global Workshop 2023, she was asked a few questions by OEMC’s Working Package 8 OpenGeoHub’s communication experts.
Lindsey Sloat is a Research Associate with the World Resources Institute's Land and Carbon Lab. She focuses on global monitoring data for agricultural lands - including both croplands and grazing lands - and applying those data to inform land use, land management, and environmental impact under a changing climate. During the Global Workshop 2023, she was asked a few questions by OEMC’s Working Package 8 OpenGeoHub’s communication experts.
Science Webinars
The Open-Earth-Monitor project, funded by the EU Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, organizes monthly science webinar hosting two researchers working with Earth Observations, geospatial environmental data, monitoring networks and alert systems and their applications.
From 2023
Martijn Witjes is a PhD candidate at OpenGeohub Foundation, focusing on large-scale spatiotemporal land cover modeling. Following his presentation, he was asked a few questions by OEMC’s Working Package 8 OpenGeoHub’s communication experts.
Joaquin van Peborgh is Director of Product at OpenEarth Foundation. Following his presentation, he was asked a few questions by OEMC’s Working Package 8 OpenGeoHub’s communication experts.
Quentin Groom is the lead of the Biodiversity Informatics team at Meise Botanic Garden in Belgium, and part of the B-cubed project. Following his presentation, he was asked a few questions by OEMC’s Working Package 8 OpenGeoHub’s communication experts.
Prof. Gordon Blair is the Head of Environmental Digital Strategy at UKCEH. Following this presentation, he was asked a few questions by OEMC’s Working Package 8 OpenGeoHub’s communication experts.
From 2024
Linda See is a principal research scholar in the Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability (NODES) Research Group of the IIASA Advancing Systems Analysis Program. As part of the NODES group she works with the Geo-Wiki team on crowdsourcing of land cover data, quality assurance of crowdsourced data, and community building. Following this presentation, he was asked a few questions by OEMC’s Working Package 8 OpenGeoHub’s communication experts.
Simone Sabbatini is a Researcher at the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC), where he is involved in the activities of the Ecosystem Thematic Center (ETC), a facility of the Integrated Carbon Observatory System Research Infrastructure (ICOS-RI). Following this presentation, he was asked a few questions by OEMC’s Working Package 8 OpenGeoHub’s communication experts.